
Things have reshaped man – especially machines.
Nowadays man only knows how to start them, but then they continue running without any help. They run and run, and they crush man. In science, the situation is extremely serious.
The certainties of reason and the certainties of nature have evaporated.
Once there was a top and a bottom, there was time, there was matter.
Now nothing is certain. Method reigns supreme.
Method was devised by man.
Method left home and started to live its own life.
The “food of gods” was found, but we are not partaking.
Things – including the most complex of all things, the sciences – are overrunning the earth.
How do we put them to work for us?
And is it necessary?
We would be better off to build things useless and immense, but new.

– V. Shklovsky – “ZOO or Letters Not about Love”

Things have reshaped man – especially machines.
Nowadays man only knows how to start them, but then they continue running without any help. They run and run, and they crush man. In science, the situation is extremely serious.
The certainties and the certainties of nature have evaporated.
Once there was a top and a bottom, there was time, there was matter.
Now nothing is certain. Method reigns supreme.
Method was devised by man.
Method left home and started to live its own life.
The “food of gods” was found, but we are not partaking.
Things – including the most complex of all things, the sciences – are overrunning the earth.
How do we put them to work for us?
And is it necessary?
We would be better off to build things useless and immense, but new. 

– V. Shklovsky – “ZOO or Letters Not about Love”

Uma resposta

  1. Les objets, les machines en particulier, ont métamorphosé l’être humain.
    À présent, il ne sait plus que les remonter, elles continuent à fonctionner toutes seules. Elles tournent et elles écrasent l’homme. En ce qui concerne la science, la situation est particulièrement grave.
    La nécessité de la raison et la nécessité dans le domaine de la nature ont divorcé.
    Il existait un haut et un bas, il y avait le temps, il y avait la matière.
    À présent, il n’y a plus rien. Le monde est gouverné par la méthode.
    C’est l’homme qui l’a inventée.
    La méthode.
    Elle a quitté la maison et s’est mise à vivre toute seule.
    “La nourriture des dieux” a été trouvée, mais nous ne la mangeons pas.
    Les choses, y compris celles qui sont les plus complexes : les sciences, se promènent sur terre.
    Comment les forcer à travailler pour nous?
    D’ailleurs, faut-il le faire?
    Mieux vaut édifier des choses inutiles et immenses, mais nouvelles.

    outubro 28, 2010 às 1:25 pm

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